Not all critical areas can be protected through regulation or conservation, and of course many areas are already developed. Here are links to a few selected resources from the CLEAR NEMO program, which has been educating people for many years about Low Impact Development (LID), also known as Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). LID/GSI are site-level techniques that can reduce the impact of development on water resources.
For even more information, go to the NEMO Home Page.

Rain Gardens
Rain gardens are a simple and often inexpensive way for landowners to reduce runoff from their properties. This website has information on every aspect of building a rain garden, including a downloadable smartphone app.

State of LID Storymap
This story map presents the findings of a review of 95 Connecticut Municipalities' Low Impact Development Policies (LID), included in plans of conservation and development, zoning/subdivision regulations, and stormwater/LID design manuals.

Stormwater Corps
Stormwater runoff is a growing problem for Connecticut communities. Whether it’s in response to repeated flooding, water pollution, the “MS4” stormwater permit or all of the above, town officials are looking for ways to start “disconnecting” impervious cover using low impact development (LID) practices, also known as green stormwater infrastructure (GSI).