Riparian Zone Protection & Restoration

Our Local Watershed Assessment Tool and other studies show that a major factor in watershed health is the state of its streamside, or riparian, corridors. There are ways that your community can use land use regulation to protection these important areas, and also ways that riparian landowners can protect and restore them. Below are links to resources that may help to you protect and/or restore riparian areas.

The state of Connecticut watersheds and their riparian corridors

local watershed assessment tool story map

Local Watershed Assessment Tool: The Story Map

CLEAR’s latest assessment of watershed health, statewide, using new high resolution land cover data.

Protecting riparian corridors through land use regulation

forested riparian corridor

The Case for Riparian Corridor Protections: Zoning Strategies to Reduce Pollution of Inland Waters and Resultant Hypoxia of Long Island Sound

This recent report by the Western CT Council of Governments is a thorough statewide assessment of riparian regulatory protections, with recommendations on what needs to be done.

Restoring riparian corridors

farmers in field

A Planting Guide for Riparian Sites Along the Connecticut Coast

A publication with information about riparian areas along Connecticut’s coast, and what to plant there.

rock buffer along coast

Coastal Landscaping Guide for Long Island Sound

A website with information and tools on replanting coastal riparian areas.

Coastal Planting Guides for Long Island Sound

people planting by river

Why Plant

This guide reviews the importance of riparian planting for protecting water quality and aquatic habitats.

plants on water

Site Preparation

This guide reviews the site preparation necessary for proper riparian planting for both lawn grass and mixed vegetation.

new plantings

Plant Care

This guide reviews the proper planting techniques to ensure a high survival rate, growth and quick establishment, expected performance and tolerance of adverse conditions.

plants on the water

Riparian Corridor Plants

This document provides a list of plants native to Connecticut for riparian corridor planting.