Welcome to the CT MS4 Guide!

The NEMO program at UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) is pleased to bring you, the intrepid town staffer tasked with MS4 compliance, the CT MS4 Guide. This website is and will be a growing resource for you as you seek to keep your town in compliance with the new MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) general permit issued by CT DEEP.storm-drain

Lets face it, the new MS4 regulations are going to require a significant amount of work, time, and money
on the behalf of MS4 towns and institutions. In recognition of this, DEEP has provided the NEMO program with funding to launch a multi-faceted support effort that is anchored by this guide/website. Here you will find guidance on meeting permit requirements, key deadlines and dates, examples and templates, tutorials, mapping data, and other resources as they are developed.

This is what we call a growing website because we will be building it as we go. While the overall structure will remain the same, we will be adding tools, templates, and tutorials as we develop them. Materials will be developed and released in response to the deadlines in the permit such that they will be made available well in advance of when the action must be taken.

In addition to this website, we will also be providing regional and statewide training opportunities, webinars, and MS4 listserv and have hired a new staff person to serve as an MS4 “circuit rider” available to come to your town and help you work through the intricacies of the permit (more on her in a future post!).

The overall goal of this effort is to reduce the burden of the MS4 permit.  We can’t do the work for you, but we do hope this website and the overall effort is a part will make things a bit easier to navigate and implement.  If you have any suggestions for resources you would like to see, please contact us!