Windsor Locks

Project Team

Date: Fall 2020
UConn Students: Tyler Metsack, Sarah Schechter
UConn CLEAR: David Dickson, Michael Dietz

The Runoff Reduction Report

This report.pdf includes recommendations for green stormwater infrastructure practices at 4 sites in the town of Windsor Locks. Each site is displayed with an ArcGIS map of the recommended practice, detailed description of our recommendations, and an informational table. Each table shows an estimated drainage area, our recommended green infrastructure, annual gallons of runoff treated, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution reduction amounts, and the suggested size of each practice. These estimations were calculated based on the drainage area, annual rainfall estimates specific to Connecticut, and literature export values.

GSI Summary Table

Site Location GSI Suggestion Drainage Area (sq. ft.) Annual Gallons Treated Annual Nitrogen Reduction (lb. N/yr) Annual Phosphorous Reduction (lb. P/yr) Suggested Practice Size [6 in. depth] (sq. ft.)
1 Town Hall Rain Garden and Riprap 28,740 114,963 7.9 0.99 4,770
Rain Garden 9,346 280,212 2.6 0.33 1,555
Tree Box Filters 13,531 54,118 3.7 0.47 2,245
2 School District Rain Garden 1 6,206 185,592 1.7 0.23 1,030
Rain Garden 2 3,267 97,748 0.9 0.11 542
Rain Garden 3 5,532 165,521 1.5 0.19 918
Rain Garden 4 6,708 200,710 1.84 0.23 1,114
3 North Street School Rain Garden 1 9,988 298,719 2.7 0.35 1,657
Rain Garden 2 4,138 123,814 1.13 0.14 686
4 Pesci Park Rain Garden 16,210 56,732 4.4 0.55 2,675


Total IC Disconnected (sq. ft.) Annual Gallons Treated Annual Nitrogen Reduction (lb. N/yr) Annual Phosphorous Reduction (lb. P/yr)
Total 103,684 1,578,129 25.77 3.59