Stormwater Pond Retrofit Workshop Materials
The NEMO program hosted a workshop presented by Dr. Bill Hunt of North Carolina State University on finding retrofit opportunities for stormwater ponds on July 26, 2021. Recordings of the indoor presentations and outdoor field visits are below.

Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) Retrofit & Rehabilitation Project Considerations
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
Part 1 of UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This presentation provides an overview of why you would want to retrofit existing stormwater control measures and options to consider when doing so. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Converting Dry Detention Basins to Constructed Stormwater Wetlands for Pollutant Removal
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
Part 2 of UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This presentation focuses on converting dry detention basins to allow for infiltration and pollutant removal. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Making Good Great: Bioretention Retrofit Opportunities
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
Part 3 of UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This presentation focuses on rehabilitating and/or enhancing bioretention basins. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Field Visit 1 - Groton Middle School Upper Basin
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
The first of three site visits during the UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This visit focused on retrofit options for an existing dry detention basin. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Field Visit 2 - Groton Middle School Lower Basin
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
The second of three site visits during the UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This visit focused on retrofit options for an existing dry detention basin. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Field Visit 3 - Town Hall Annex
July 26, 2021
Presented by: Bill Hunt, North Carolina State University
The third of three site visits during the UConn CLEAR's Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds Workshop held on July 26, 2021. This visit focused on retrofit options for an existing sedimentation basin. The workshop is part of CLEAR MS4 Outreach program funded by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). Presentation by Dr. Bill Hunt, the William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
CT MS4 December Disconnection Workshop Materials
The NEMO program presented a virtual workshop series on the impervious cover disconnection portions of the MS4 Permit during December 2020. The presentation slides and recordings can be found below.

Summary of LID provisions in CT’s MS4 permit
December 1st, 2020
Presented by: Amanda Ryan, UConn CLEAR
UConn CLEAR's Amanda Ryan presents on the requirements in the CT MS4 General Permit to review and amend local land use regulations to encourage the use of LID. Presented on Dec 2, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

Assessing barriers to LID in local regulations
December 2nd, 2020
Presented by: Aaron Budris, NVCOG
Aaron Budris, Senior Planner with the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG), presented on a project that reviewed the regulations of their member towns and made recommendations for how they could promote the use of LID. Presented on Dec. 2, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

Using a LID Checklist for site plan reviews
December 2nd, 2020
Presented by: Linda Painter, Town of Mansfield
Linda Painter, Town of Mansfield Planner, presentation on Mansfield's LID checklist. Presented on Dec. 2, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

CLEAR State of LID StoryMap
December 2nd, 2020
Presented by: Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR
Dave Dickson UConn CLEAR, presents on how to use the State of LID Story Map to find examples of LID friendly regulation language. Presented as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series on Dec 2, 2020.

Disconnection Strategies
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Dave Dickson and Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR
Dave Dickson and Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR, present on developing a strategy for disconnecting 1% of impervious cover per year. Presented on Dec. 9, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

Roadway Disconnection case study
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Judy Rondeau, Eastern CT Conservation District
Judy Rondeau, Assistant Director of the Eastern Connecticut Conservation District, presented on a project to use tree wells and tree box filters to disconnect roadways from the stormwater system. Presented on Dec. 9, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

Parking lot disconnection case study
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Laura Pulie, Town of Fairfield, CT
Laura Pulie, Town of Fairfield Senior Civil Engineer, presented about a project to install pervious pavement at a commuter parking lot in Fairfield. Presented on Dec. 9, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series. Presented on Dec. 9, 2020 as part of the December Disconnection Workshop Series.

MS4 2% Disconnection Goal Explained
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Amanda Ryan, UConn CLEAR
Presentation by UConn CLEAR's Amanda Ryan introducing impervious cover disconnection requirements and tracking. Part of the December 2020 Disconnection Workshop Series.

Tracking Disconnections
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Mike Dietz, UConn CLEAR
Presentation by UConn CLEAR's Dr. Michael Dietz about a impervious cover disconnection tracking template available at Part of the December 2020 Disconnection Workshop Series.

Maintaining LID
December 9th, 2020
Presented by: Mike Dietz, UConn CLEAR and Glenn Haley, UConn
Presentation by UConn CLEAR's Dr. Michael Dietz and UConn's Glenn Haley about lessons learned from maintaining low impact development/green stormwater infrastructure (LID/GSI) practices on the UConn Campus. Part of the December 2020 Disconnection Workshop Series.
Monitoring Workshop Materials
The NEMO program presented a workshop on the CT MS4 water quality monitoring requirements on June 20, 2019 at Milford City Hall. Most of the presentations were recorded. The presentation slides and recordings (where available) can be found below.

Overview of MS4 Monitoring Requirements
June 20th, 2019
Presented by: Amanda Ryan, UConn CLEAR

Managing MS4 Monitoring for Large Municipalities
June 20th, 2019
Presented by: Correne Auer, HRP Associates

Water Quality Monitoring Challenges and Data Management Solutions
June 20th, 2019
Presented by: Joseph Canas and Sarah Bounty, Tighe & Bond

Partnerships in Water Quality Monitoring
June 20th, 2019
Presented by: Carol Haskins, Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition
CT MS4 Mapping Workshop Materials
The NEMO program presented a workshop on the Mapping portions of the MS4 Permit on 10/19/18 at Rocky Hill Town Hall. All of the presentations were recorded. The presentation slides and recordings can be found below.

MS4 Mapping Overview
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: David Dickson, UConn CLEAR
An overview of the mapping requirements in the CT MS4 stormwater permit.

Mapping Impervious Cover
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR
The importance of measuring impervious cover and disconnecting it.

Estimating Directly Connected Impervious Area and Identifying Priority Areas
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: David Dickson, UConn CLEAR
How to estimate directly connected impervious cover.

Identifying Opportunities for Disconnects
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR
Developing a strategy for disconnecting 1% of impervious cover per year.

City of Manchester Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Rich Gallacher and Elizabeth DaRos, City of Manchester

Mapping Stormwater Infrastructure with Collector and iForms
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Kristen LaBrie, New England Geosystems
How to use Collector and iForms to collect stormwater system data in the field.

City of Stamford Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Tyler Theder, City of Stamford
Stamford's efforts to map its stormwater infrastructure.

DIY System Mapping on the Cheap
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR
Low cost methods for stormwater system field data collection.

Mapping CT DOT’s Stormwater System and Interconnections
October 19th, 2018
Presented by: Jeremy Willcox and Kevin Carifa, CT DOT
The Agency's plans to map its stormater infrastructure.
IDDE Workshop Materials
The NEMO program and Fuss and O'Neill presented a workshop on IDDE on 9/27/17 at Newington Town Hall. Most of the presentations were recorded. The presentation slides and recordings (where available) can be found below.

IDDE Mapping Requirements
September 27th, 2017
Presented by: David Dickson, UConn CLEAR
Presentation on the IDDE mapping requirements for the MS4 Permit.

Catchment Assessment and Ranking
September 27th, 2017
Presented by: Bill Guenther, Fuss & O'Neill
Presentation on Catchment Assessment and Ranking Procedures of the MS4 Permit.

Impaired Waters Monitoring
September 27th, 2017
Presented by: Erik Mas, Fuss & O'Neill
Presentation on Impaired Waters Monitoring under the 2017 CT MS4 Permit.

Case Study: UConn Screening and Monitoring Program
September 27th, 2017
Presented by: Mike Dietz, UConn CLEAR
Case Study presentation on UConn's IDDE screening and sampling procedure.

IDDE Dry Weather Screening
September 27th, 2017
Presented by: Bill Guenther, Fuss & O'Neill
Presentation on dry weather screening under the 2017 CT MS4 permit.